
Wednesday Prayer Time

at 6:45 am via Zoom, we will be praying through our Prayer Update each week.  All are welcome.

**New** Wednesday Evenings in English & Spanish (Beginning July 3): 6:15-6:45pm Prayer Time - In Person in the Meeting Room & via Zoom.

Prayer process of ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgivings, Supplication).

Thursday Prayer Time

**New** Thursday Mornings in English & Spanish (Beginning July 18): 9-9:45am Prayer Time - In Person in the Meeting Room. Praying for our Church, Community & the World.

Sunday Morning Prayer

Meets in person in the Meeting Room from 9:15-9:45am, led by Lil Koning & Shirley VandenBerge. Focus on prayers for the service and all God is up to.